Sunday, July 29, 2012

Recovering Alcoholics?

There really is nothing on my mind at the moment, not to sure when people will stop drinking and driving? like is someone really that stupid honestly, yeah i drink, so what? but im not the one sitting back talking shit on the people that do go out and party but yet i do the same thing? that's called a hypocritical statement. you wanna be the damn hero? SAVE YOUR DAMN SELF FIRST!

Monday, April 9, 2012

why cant i find happiness....

sometimes i dream about a place where there isnt any drama, or fighting or relationships, i just dream about me being happy, but then i wake up from that dream, it sucks to know that the only happiness i can have is in a dream, although, i have had happiness once in my life, when my parents were together, i mean life was amazing, i remember going camping about having dad mom and all the kids together, i miss is, honestly i think that they both miss it as well. I'm stuck watching romance movies or reading them in the books just to get a glimpse of what i could have, :) you know the movies were it takes them a long time (end of the movie) to find out that their love was right under their nose, well i guess they make movies fake for a reason, because there is no such thing as true love or happiness, its only all in our heads, well i think this post is done, i will chat later, going to eat chocolate and eat ice cream and watch corny love stories, bye:)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

is happiness only something we can pursue... is love real?

Well havent been on here for a while but im writing about my life, i don't even expect any comments because of what ive put everyone through, i dont want my life to be this bad, i do love someone, but there has always been something in the way of it, happiness has not been in my vocabulary for over a year now, i cant take it anymore, i want my family back, i want my family to get me, well done venting, im done, i guess sometimes its good just to give up)_: which lately, has been an everday thing for me.